Bloom Flower Bloom flowers is a single or a group of flower on a stem. Bloom flower is our largest craft flowers categories.... more
Bouquet Bouquet is a mixed bunch of arranged flowers ready packed in a windowed box for your resale. ...... more |
Spray & Stem Flowers or buds with very soft stems are a kind of our craft flowers help soften the bouquet or flower arrangement. ... more |
Craft Bow Craft bow is our flower design idea to decorate a gift box. You can use them to tied around a choccolate bar as a gift or elses.... more |
Craft Making Supply These loosed part of flowers are ready to be a part of you craft making. You can use to decorate any kind of your craft, such as card, gift box or elses.... more |
Paper Vase Flower vases and the use is for dried flower arrangement. There are many differrent shapes .... more |
Handbag Handbags which is made of water hyacinth. Each handbag is hand woven in many differrent patterns and colours. ... more |